Precautions For Phone Sex

Phone Sex is an exciting and exhilarating way to connect with someone over the phone. Whether it’s through a sex line, chat line or texting, there are some precautions that you should take.

Start off slow with foreplay, like describing kinky things that turn your partner on, or use pet bedroom names to stimulate their imagination.

1. Don’t reveal identifying information about yourself

Whether you’re into BDSM, role-playing, or something more explicit, it is important to communicate openly and respectfully with your partner throughout the phone sex session. This includes establishing boundaries beforehand, as well as discussing what is and isn’t permissible. It is also helpful to check-in with your partner periodically to ensure that both of you are comfortable.

Moreover, it’s helpful to be confident in your sexual expression, so don’t be afraid to use active verbs when discussing sexy fantasies. “Suck, twist, stroke, push, thrust, lick, caress—the more descriptive and vivid your descriptions are, the better,” Michels suggests.

It is also important to discuss any hard limits or no-gos beforehand, as things like power dynamics and elements of BDSM are more difficult to convey over the phone. Lastly, it’s always okay to hang up if you or your partner feels uncomfortable during the call. You can pick up where you left off another time. Just make sure to take a deep breath and refocus. After all, this is supposed to be fun! Make it enjoyable for everyone.

2. Keep it to people you know

As tempting as it may be to have phone sex with someone new, it is best to keep it to people you know. This is for a few reasons: First, phone sex can get pretty intimate. You want to make sure that your partner will respect you enough not to gossip about the phone sex with anyone else. Also, if you are already in a relationship, phone sex could cause your partner to cheat.

Another reason to keep it to people you know is that phone sex can be very awkward and even uncomfortable at times. If you are not used to talking dirty over the phone, then it may take a little time for you and your partner to adjust to the new tone of the conversation.

One way to ease into the uncomfortable is by using a movie or story as foreplay. You can lower your voice to a whisper and slowly build the momentum of the call. Another thing that helps ease the awkward is laughing. This will not only distract your partner from being uncomfortable, but it will also help them to stay horny.

3. Don’t speak loudly

It’s best to not speak too loudly when engaging in Phone Sex. Speaking loudly will disrupt the flow of the conversation, as well as create a sense of tension and intimacy that’s not appropriate for the situation. Using a whisper or even mumbling can be erotic and add to the experience.

When talking dirty, be specific in your descriptions of your fantasies and what you’re hoping to do to your partner over the phone. This will make it easier for your partner to visualize what you are describing, making the experience more sexually arousing. You may want to ask your partner what kind of details turn them on, and also whether they have a preferred word or phrase for their own intimate bits, such as “tits” or “skin.”

It’s best to prepare for your Phone Sex session before jumping in by dimming the lighting and playing sexy music in the background to set the mood. It’s also important to make sure that you are in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. You may also want to consider bringing some sex toys on the line with you, such as vibrators or even just the sound of your own breath. This will increase the likelihood of orgasm and allow you to pleasure more areas during your session.

4. Don’t rush the conversation

The biggest mistake couples make with phone sex is jumping right into the saucy details. It’s best to take it slow and start with foreplay. For example, you could text your partner flirty messages telling them how much you’re looking forward to hearing their voice and kissing them tonight or describing the sex positions that turn you on the most.

Then, you can build up to talking about more intimate areas by sharing sexual fantasies or bringing up past experiences (“Remember that time when we got in the hot tub together and you started caressing my back?”). Getting your partner to relive a favorite fantasy with you will keep their imagination going, which can help activate their cock.

If you’re feeling brave, you can even role play. This can be a lot of fun for people in long-distance relationships. You can also add a sexual element to your foreplay by using sex toys during the conversation. It’s a great way to increase the orgasms you’re both likely to experience. Just be careful not to overdo it or you may overdose your partner!

5. Don’t be shy about the vocab

Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or just want to spice things up, phone sex can be an intimate and sexually stimulating way to connect with your partner. But before you pick up the phone, make sure your battery is charged, and that you’re in a private location. Also, it’s best to build anticipation by sending flirty texts throughout the day or leaving sexy voicemails.

Be confident when talking dirty and don’t be afraid to use lots of moans, breathy sighs, and descriptive language that paints a vivid picture for your partner. You can even ask your partner what they like and fantasize about, but be careful not to come off as creepy or sleazy.

It’s also a good idea to create the right atmosphere, so dim the lights, light some candles, and listen to seductive music. And don’t forget to have wind-down talk after you both orgasm, which is a great way to bond and feel connected.

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